Tuesday, June 17, 2008

JSF user authorizing and more..

Some time ago I had a need to build up user interface depending on the roles that the logged in user possessed. Thought it would be easy to find some library to do this kind of a job. I found few techniques but didn't like any of them. They were not flexible enough and required coding in JSF or Java.

So I started experimenting a bit with JSF. The experiment ended with a library called jReCo that goes far beyond user authorization. It's a rule engine for JSF developers that can help with user authorization as well.

The idea was to control the rendering state of components from the outside. The rules that resembel Java like code are defined in a separate file. The developer may choose between fully automatic control or he may invoke the engine from his own code.

jReCo should be functional with all JSF component frameworks. If the rules change the engine can pick up the changes without the need to restart the server.

To download and learn more visit http://www.sapharee.com/jreco

I'll be very glad if I get some feedback from you!

JSF authorization